Shared-memory Multiple SIMD Architecture and Compiler Techniques 共享主存多SIMD结构及编译技术研究
Data Dependent Control Statement Conversion on SIMD Architecture 基于SIMD体系结构的数据相关控制语句转化方法
A novel multimedia extension architecture was proposed to reduce the time overhead of data permutation caused by conventional SIMD multimedia extension architecture. 为了减少传统SIMD多媒体扩展体系存在的数据置换时间开销,该文提出了一种新的多媒体扩展体系。
In this paper, based on the memory unit of the SIMD architecture, we propose a compilation scheme to exploit the partial reuse of the vector register data, and improve memory access efficiency in SIMD optimization. 因此,本文基于SIMD架构的访存特性,提出了一种向量寄存器部分重用的方法,以提高访存效率;优化体育教学方法,首先,须确立适度可行的教学目标;
Parallel computer architecture consists of two classifications: simple instruction stream-multiple data stream ( SIMD) and multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream ( MIMD). 并行计算机体系结构包括单指令流多数据流(SIMD)和多指令流多数据流(MIMD)两种结构。
In this paper, we introduce an architecture, referred as Hybrid system, combines both SIMD and MIMD system. 本文介绍了一种新的包含了MIMD和SIMD两种结构的系统结构,我们称这种新的结构为混合系统。
This embeded coprocessor adopts load/ store architecture, which has triple instructions pipelining and parallel of three-group instructions besides the inherent data parallel of the SIMD processor. 该协处理器采用load/store体系结构,并且除SIMD固有的数据并行性外,还具有三级流水和三组指令并发执行的并行性。
In this process, a unique parallel video processing architecture combined with SIMD and pipeline MISD is proposed. Modules within the coprocessor are designed individually. 该设计提出了一种将常用的并行SIMD结构与流水线MISD结构相结合的新颖并行视频处理体系结构形式。
This paper discusses a frame buffer architecture, in which, three parallel techniques ( SIMD, Memory cross and Pipeline) and CACHE are used to improve the bandwidth of frame buffer. 介绍了一种支持高性能的图形图象系统的帧缓存的体系结构。在此系统中利用SIMD、存贮器交叉和流水线三种并行技术以及CACHE来提高更新帧缓存中象素数据的速率;
Research on a SIMD-Based Image Convolution Processor Architecture 基于SIMD技术的图像卷积处理器体系结构研究
Instruction Schedule Based on Shared Vector Algorithm for Two-Dimensional SIMD Architecture 基于共享向量的二维SIMD调度算法
This paper reviews the influence of transition from CISC to RISC on DSP architecture's data level and instruction level parallelism exploitations and points out that the single core architecture combination of RISC and SIMD technologies has proved to be the new trends in DSP design domain. CISC→RISC设计思想对DSP体系结构设计中数据和指令级并行性开发产生了深刻影响,融合RISC和SIMD技术的单核处理器已经成为DSP体系结构设计的新趋势。
Design on High Speed Data Channel in Pipelining Multiple SIMD Cluster Network Architecture PM-SIMD机群网的高速数据通道设计
Optimization of SIMD Architecture Parameters for Image Processing 面向图像处理的SIMD结构参数优化
With the data-level parallelism of the SIMD architecture, the processing capability of microprocessors has been increasing dramatically. However, the performance of applications can not keep pace because of the imperfect speed of the memory system. SIMD架构的数据并行性可大大提高处理器的运算能力,但由于存储系统的速度远远不能与其匹配,使得应用程序的性能很难获得进一步的提高。
Due to the parallelism of data and computation, two-dimensional SIMD architecture is often employed in a SOC with a general processor which is used to deal with the sequential part of the program. 基于这种结构上数据和计算的并行性,它通常被用作多媒体加速部件与通用处理器核集成在一个SOC上,并由通用处理器完成应用程序中串行部分的计算。
The rise of multimedia extension in the microprocessor architecture, which is caused by the rapid development of multimedia applications, makes the SIMD extension components integrate into popular processors widely. It forces the auto-vectorization technology develop efficiently. 多媒体应用的高速发展引起微处理器体系结构中多媒体扩展的兴起,使SIMD向量扩展部件更多的被集成到主流处理器中,从而有效推动了自动向量化技术的发展。
The SIMD architecture can effectively utilize the data-level parallelism to achieve high performance and high energy efficiency. ( 2). 在通过利用数据并行性来提升处理器性能的同时也大大提高了其能量效率,实现了高性能和低功耗这两个设计目标。
It uses a very long instruction word ( VLIW) and single instruction multiple data ( SIMD) hy-brid architecture. 该加速器采用一种基于超长指令字和单指令流多数据流的混合指令体系结构。
Two-dimensional SIMD architecture is widely used in the field of embedded system to boost the performance of multimedia processing. 二维SIMD结构是在嵌入式系统中提高多媒体处理能力的有效系统结构。
As a multimedia speedup component of SOC, two-dimensional SIMD architecture is almost idle while the system doing serial operation. 作为多媒体加速部件,在系统执行串行操作时二维SIMD结构基本处于空闲状态。